Your company has project management software, but are you still using a spreadsheet to keep track of Change Orders?
Do you have Change Order Requests sitting in your project team’s inbox?
Are you adding un-budgeted staff to your projects to handle change orders?
Are you spending more time and budget closing out projects after completion because of unresolved change orders?
Why are Change Orders still the most common area of frustration for construction companies?
Read on to learn how a Change Order Communication platform can help you work smarter.
Clearstory: The Change Order Communication Tool
The same old problem
The construction industry is moving quickly; collaborative project delivery methods and modern BIM tools are commonplace, but Change Order processes have not changed in decades.
It’s hard to fathom in a billion-dollar industry, but communicating Change Orders on today’s construction projects still largely relies on emails, Excel spreadsheets, and paper forms to share documents between Contractors, Subcontractors, and Owners.
Most construction companies have their own siloed financial software where they keep track of private financial information. These systems functionally don’t support collaboration between Owners, General Contractors, and Subcontractors. This creates enormous challenges in keeping costs transparent among all parties in real time.
Today, Change Orders play a more crucial role than ever before due to collaborative project delivery types where the design is often completed after the General Contractor and Subcontractors are brought on board. As a result, there is more financial risk and exposure at stake in Change Orders. By tracking Change Order Requests (CORs) in your inbox and out on the jobsite, valuable project information can go unchecked until it is too late and the project is over budget.
The modern solution
Clearstory is the modern solution to Change Order Communication. For the first time, GCs, Subcontractors, and Owners can communicate, exchange and track project Change Orders in one place.
Most construction companies use a system of record to track their own project financials (Procore, CMiC, Viewpoint, etc.), but Change Order Communication happens outside of these systems via email, spreadsheets, and paper documents. Clearstory complements the systems of record that companies already use, removes email from the process, and eliminates the need for paper T&M tags and creating Change Order Logs in excel. With Clearstory Owners, GCs, and Subcontractors can communicate Change Order cost information in real-time using a cloud-based platform.
Why you need Clearstory
Construction is changing before our eyes. In a fast-paced industry, with so much at stake financially, it’s smart business to stay on top of every cost incurred. Given the critical importance of Change Orders in today’s construction industry, it’s essential to use the most streamlined, transparent and efficient tracking system possible in order to accurately forecast project financials.
Clearstory removes risk from your inbox and keeps all Change Order Communication in one place. Our solution is easy to implement in the office and the field to improve efficiency in your project team.
To get started, connect with one of our team members by requesting a live demo.